
Pilot Application for the Rion Antirion Bridge in Greece

Seismic energy can be dissipated by horizontal sliding at the interface between the raft and the well-controlled gravel layer, consistent with the Capacity Design Principles, as designed by Alain Pecker. The bridge was opened to traffic in 2004. 

Pecker A (1998) Capacity Design Principles for Shallow Foundations in Seismic Areas, Keynote lecture, Proceedings XIth European Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Eds. Bisch, Labbé, & Pecker. Paris, France.

18th Mallet-Milne Lecture:
Pecker A (2023) Interrelationships between practice, standardisation and innovation in geotechnical earthquake engineering. Bull Earthquake Eng 21, 3091–3132, 

Commercialisation in Italy

Smart-G is an innovative start-up and academic spin-off of the University of Napoli Federico II, directed by Professor Alessandro Flora, with an Italian patent on a GSI technology.

Community Engagement in Nepal

Field Evidence from Japan

Tyre Retaining Wall Project led by Professor Hemanta Hazarika, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

Supported by NIED, Giken Corporation & Japan Foundation Eng Co.

Damaged Concrete Sea Wall (left) vs Undamaged Tyre Retaining Wall (right) after the 2011 M9 Earthquake in Japan (Hazarika et al. 2023):